Cleaner items Market Sales Status
3104 respondents/outlets were asked about the cleaning items market Sales Status. Among the total respondents, about 70.4% (2185 individuals) replayed that they sell different types of Cleaner Items as their regular products. About 29.6% of the total respondents (919 individuals) respondents replayed that they are not selling any kind of Cleaner currently.
Selling Cleaner Products
A total of 3104 respondents/outlets were asked about selling Cleaner products. Among the total respondents, about 69.1% (2146 individuals) replayed that they sell different brands of Toilet cleaners as their regular products. About 22.4% of the total respondents (695 individuals) respondents replayed that they sell different branded Floor cleaners and about 16.7% (a total of 517 individuals) replayed that they sell different branded glass cleaners as their regular products.
Toilet Cleaner
Top Ten Air Freshener Brand
To identify the top branded Toilet Cleaner products, we have asked the respondents (total of 2146) about the most-selling brand. Most of the respondents (86.3%) mentioned “Harpic” as the top brand and Vixol as the tenth (12.8%) among the top ten brands of Toilet Cleaner products. The other brands are; Clean Master (52.4%) followed by Finix (30.1%), Hygiene (24.5%), Vanish (22.2%), swift (15.8%), Harpoon (14.5%), Turbo (13.4%) and Shakti (13.0%).
- Toilet Cleaner Sales Quantity:
Among the total Toilet Cleaner Products sold (2146) we have asked about the average sales quantity of the last one month. Here is the respondents feedback that their maximum sales quantity is 10-30 pieces of different sizes (51.9% of 2146 respondents). Approximately 29.9% of respondents replayed that their average sales quantity is less than 10 pieces of different sizes. 8.4% of respondents replayed that their average sales quantity is 30 to 50 pieces of different sizes. About 5.2% respondent’s sale quantity is 50 to 100 pieces of different sizes. About 4.3% respondent’s sales quantity is more than 100 to 200 pieces and about 0.3% of the respondents replayed that their average sales quantity is more than 200 pieces of different sizes.
Floor Cleaner
- Floor Cleaner Sales Quantity:
Among the total Floor Cleaner Products sellers (695) we have asked about the average sales quantity of last month. Here the respondents feedback that their maximum sales quantity is 10-30 pieces of different sizes (47.2% of 695 respondents). Approximately 37.3% of respondents replayed that their average sales quantity is less than 10 pieces of different sizes. 12.9% of respondents replayed that their average sales quantity is 30 to 50 pieces of different sizes. About 4.7% of respondent’s sale quantity is 50 to 100 pieces of different sizes. About 1.7% of respondents sales quantity is more than 100 to 200 pieces of different sizes.
- Top Ten Floor Cleaner Brand:
To identify the top-branded Floor Cleaner products, we have asked the respondents (total of 695) about the most-selling brand. Most of the respondents (93.1%) mentioned “Lizol” as the top brand and Pledge as tenth (10.6%) among the top ten brands of Floor Cleaner products. The other brands are; Vixol (68.6%) followed by Shinex (42.3%), Rok (38.3%), Clean World (31.2%), Harpic (26.3%), Shine (22.4%), Septex (20.3%), Fin (11.1%) and others (0.6%).
Glass Cleaner
- Toilet Cleaner Sales Quantity:
Among the total Glass Cleaner Products seller (517) we have asked about the average sales quantity of last month. Here the respondents’ feedback that their maximum sales quantity is Less than 10 pieces of different sizes (49.1% of 517 respondents). Approximately 39.3% of respondents replayed that their average sales quantity is 10 to 30 pieces of different sizes. 10.3% of respondents replayed that their average sales quantity is 30 to 50 pieces of different sizes. About 4.8% of respondent’s sale quantity is 50 to 100 pieces of different sizes. About 1.2% of respondent’s sales quantity is 100 to 200 pieces and about 0.2% of the respondents replayed that their average sales quantity is more than 200 pieces of different sizes.
- Top Ten Air Freshener Brand:
To identify the top branded Glass Cleaner products, we have asked the respondents (total of 517) about the most-selling brand. Most of the respondents (97.5%) mentioned “Mr. Brasso” as the top brand and Flamingo as tenth (3.1%) among the top ten brands of Glass Cleaner products. The other brands are; Rok (60.2%) followed by Shinex (51.3%), Fann (46.0%), Kelly’s (30.4%), Windex (23.0%), Whiz (18.4%), Bengal Glass (14.9%), Zepto (12.8%) and others (0.6%).
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