Air Freshener Market Sales in Bangladesh


  • Air Freshener Market Sales Status

A total of 3104 respondents/outlets were asked about the Air Freshener market sales status in Bangladesh. Among the overall respondents about 54% (1691 individuals) replayed that they sell different types of Air fresheners as their regular products. Concerning 46% of total respondents (1413 individuals) respondents replayed that they are not selling any kind of Air Freshener currently. 


  • Air Freshener Sales Quantity


Among the entire Air Freshener seller (1691), we have asked about the average sales quantity of the last month. Here is the respondent’s feedback that their average sales quantity is 10-30 pieces of different sizes (50.9% of 1691 respondents). Approximately 25.2% of respondents replayed that their average sales quantity is less than 10 pieces of different sizes. About 17.7% of respondents replayed that their average sales quantity is 30 to 50 pieces of different sizes. About 4.3% of respondent’s sale quantity is 50 to 100 pieces of different sizes. Regarding that, 2.2% of respondent’s sales quantity is more than 100 pieces of different sizes. 

  • Top Ten Air Freshener Brand


To identify the top branded Air Freshener products, we asked the respondents (total of 1691) about the most selling brand. Most of the respondents (73.9%) mentioned “Spring” as the top brand and Wave as tenth (9.2%) among the top ten brands of Air Freshener.

The other brands are: Fay (70.0%) followed by ACI Angelic (69.0%), Paris Air Freshener (23.3%), Air Wick (13.3%), I Care (13.2%), Cleariss (13.0%), Lundo Lemon (11.4%) and Rich (9.2%).

  •  Most Selling Air Freshener Size

To explore the most demanded size of the Air Freshener market in Bangladesh, we have asked the respondents (a total of 1691 individuals) about the current market demand. Most of the respondents (68.8% of 1691) replayed that medium size (150 to 500 ml) is the most demandable followed by large size (more than 500 ml).  About 2.3% of total respondents replayed as a small size (less than 150 ml) is most demandable. 


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