Naemur Rahman


Consumer Electronics Industry in Bangladesh

The consumer electrical and electronics industry in Bangladesh is underdeveloped due to a lack of technical knowledge and production capacity. But with the growing population and improved standards of living. Bangladesh is importing huge amounts of consumer electronics products to meet the increasing demand. China remains the largest supplier of electronics products for Bangladesh. In

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Bangladesh Fisheries Sector Growth Prospects and Opportunities

Bangladesh’s agricultural sector contributes 11.63% of GDP, employing around 47% of the working population, with 17 million people (1.4 million women) depending on the fisheries sector. Their livelihoods somehow are related to fishing, farming, fish handling, and processing. The agricultural sector has experienced significant growth over the last couple of decades, with the fisheries sector

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Market Feasibility Study on Faucet Products in Bangladesh

Market Feasibility Study on Faucet Products in Bangladesh

Executive summary of market feasibility study in Bangladesh Bangladesh is one of the growing economic countries & there are about 180 million people living here in about 75 million families & HH. Over the last 10-15 years, with the financial capacity development & improving purchasing capacity of luxury products. The consumer’s selection of bathroom fittings

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